If you own a beautiful country getaway in cottage country, then the last thing you need when you and your family or friends are on vacation is to find that your water quality has deteriorated over the winter. Or even worse, to find out that it is no longer safe for consumption when you get sick. However, water quality issues can occur no matter what. So this article is here to help you understand and fix any issues with the water quality at your cottage.

What Makes Up Your Cottage Water System?

Your cottage will either be supplied with well water, lake water or water from a holding tank. If the water is from a holding tank, every year when you return in the spring, you should have your tank cleaned out and refilled. This will ensure that you and your family have safe, clean drinking water. If your water is supplied by a well or a lake, Health Canada recommends a multi-barrier approach to ensuring safe drinking water. This would include having the water tested every year when you return after the winter and a filter/treatment system. This treatment system can be at the “point of entry” to the cottage where the main water lines enters the building and treats all the water being brought into your cottage. The other option is a “point of use” system where treatment systems are installed at specific fixtures for drinking water like at the kitchen sink.

How Does My Cottage Water Deteriorate?

If your cottage has been visited by wildlife during the winter, or there are any flaws in your sewer system, then there could be a risk of waterborne bacteria that can get into the water system through fecal waste. This can include legionella, e-coli and other germs, which can make you and your loved ones extremely ill. Legionella can be especially dangerous if you or someone in your family suffer from asthma or other lung diseases. Health Canada warns that unused cottage water systems can end up containing many unwelcome visitors. If water has been left standing for a long period of time, then there is the potential for your cottage water to become a gathering place for waterborne bacteria to flourish. Your cottage water may also contain:

  • Living organisms
  • Sediment
  • Iron (hard water)

How Professional Cottage Plumbers Can Help

Professional plumbers are able to help you and your family by offering you a wide variety of cottage plumbing services that help prevent and remedy all of your plumbing concerns. Our professionals can make sure that you and your family’s health is kept secure using techniques and methods that adhere to health standards.